Thursday, 20 October 2016

How To Connect An Ethernet Cable!

Today I going to be showing you a video of how to connect an Ethernet cable into your Ethernet cable port on your computer.

The Finished Computer!


This is the best of the best of finished plugged  computers!

We have plugged in the mouse, headphones and USB port that is connected to the USB jack. We turned on the computers and got them running. Now we are ready to play some MineCraft ;) 



These are the schools new headphones brought by Mr.C with the school money.
The school headphones are for use on the school computers.

For the school computer we use headphones and a mouse. The headphones are red and black.

Look At These New Headphones!

In the new year of Digital Leaders we have got some new headphones. Take a good look!

These new headphones have even more cushion on the ear parts.They have more strength so they won't be able to break that easily (we hope)!

How to connect a mouse.

                                              We were connecting mice to the computer!

USB jack

 One of the things we learnt last week was to put a mouse jack into its port. Here is a video of one of our members.

Brand new headphones

Last week we used the brand new headphones for the first time.We learnt what a headphone jack and headphone port is.

Here is a picture of us putting the headphones in.

We were quite good at it!

This a headphone jack it goes in a headphone port!

Ethernet cables !

Last week  in digital leaders we learnt about the cables like Ethernet cable / power cable or port/ headphone jack and USB port. I am going to be talking about Ethernet cable.

Ethernet cable is where the internet comes from . If you didn't have one you would not have the internet (unless you have WiFi). The colours that you can have are red, green, blue, white or even black. To take it out you have to push down the button. This is how it should look.

You can see this is a blue one.

By Minecraftkid

How to take out the laptops and put the laptop back in carefully.

This is a image how to take out the the computer and take it out safely. When you take out the laptop, make sure to first take off the charger and then take the laptop out. Then go to a place to put the laptop and put the power cable on the power port and then put the switch on and then your ready to start!

Now this how to put the laptop back in the laptop trolley. First shut down the laptop and wait. It should shutdown. If not wait some more. When the laptop has shut down, take of the power cable from the laptop and then flip the switch and then go to the trolley. Look at the number of the laptop and make sure to put the laptop in the right column and the put the charger on and you are done!

How to keep a laptop trolley in order

Last week in Digital leaders we practiced putting a laptop safely away in the trolley. Here are some images of people unplugging the laptops and putting them away.

The end result!

This is the end result of how to set up a laptop. There are new headphones that have been plugged into the headphone port. There is also a mouse that has been plugged into the USB port. The power cable has been plugged into the power port and the Ethernet cable in the Ethernet port.

This is how it should look.
 Nice and neat!

How To Connect A USB Port!

This video is all about how to connect a mouse to a USB port on the side of a computer.  First, you have to look for a rectangular cuboid shape on the side of the computer.  Then, you HAVE to check if there is a white rectangle inside the jack and then you plug it into the USB port, white rectangle down.

By Mr. Some Kid :)

First Digital Leaders Post!

Hi, this is my 2nd week of Digital Leaders and today we're going to be talking about the headphone jack and what they do, ENJOY!

This is a headphone jack it's connected to your headphones, Hence the name headphone jack. The person with the headphones can listen to music without disturbing anyone.

Oh so comfy! (;

Power cable

Last week in digital leaders we were learning about how to set up a computer. The most important part of the computer is the power cable.

New Headphones

Look at these new headphones that we have in the Studio. Aren't they so cool?


A new year in the Digital Leaders Club!

This week, I have asked the students to explain how to set up the Studio network.  Last week, they set up the network by themselves learning words such as USB port, Ethernet cables, power cables and headphone jacks.

This week I've asked them to write short blog posts to explain what they learned.  They should be able to upload some photos and maybe some videos too.

Fingers crossed!

Mr C.