Thursday, 2 March 2017

A few things about the history of computing

Every computer needs software and hardware. The hardware is the part of the computer which you touch; it is the keyboard and monitor. It stores the memory, web browsers, media player and word processor. The server provides information for computers.

Every game in 1980 to 1990 can be made by schools nowadays. Back then they would be really excited for a simple game with simple code. If children in schools would know all of that the look on their face would be like this.

Music and Computers

Musicians were limited to only one instrument so they need a whole band for some music and now on computers can use all sorts of instruments. That’s why normally we see only one singer with a bunch of music in the background. This all started approximately 15 years ago.


In the 1970s gaming for children and adults was a whole new story. Instead of dvds they would use cartridges, it would still take up a lot of their time like we do.

Hope you enjoyed this :)

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